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13 Predictions About THE MIDNIGHT STAR Based On Marie Lu’s Twitter Feed

If you devoured Marie Lu’s The Young Elites and The Rose Society you’re probably just as excited as we are for the final book in the series, The Midnight Star. Yes, the wait is difficult – but because Marie Lu is an ever-benevolent and loving author, she’s been tweeting out exclusive quotes from book 3 for the past few months. Read on for some of our predictions about The Midnight Star based on 13 tweets from Marie Lu’s Twitter feed!



Adelina is still just as prideful as ever


Intrigue and enemies lurk around every corner


The bond of sisterhood is still strong in Adelina


Superstition awaits


Adelina is forever a #boss


There will be drama between Raffaele and Magiano


A romance might arise???


Raffaele gets serious


Teren is still a creepy creep


Someone might not make it out alive


Someone knows how to keep bae happy


#RelationshipGoals are happening


Our girl Adelina still has the fire



Can’t wait to read? Preorder your copy of The Midnight Star












Penguin Teen